ملکی معیشت کی ترقی کے لیے بیرونی سرمایہ کاروں کو ترغیبات دینے کی نہیں بلکہ اسلام کے معاشی نظام کے نفاذ ضرورت ہے

پاکستان کے دورے پرآئے ملیشیا کے وزیر اعظم مہاتیر محمد نے 22مارچ کو اسلام آباد میں ایک بزنس کانفرنس سے خطاب میں ملیشیا کی معاشی ترقی کا رازیہ بتایا کہ انہوں نے دو دہائیوں تک بیرونی سرمایہ کاروں کو ٹیکس میں مراعات فراہم کیں تھیں۔ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ بیرونی سرمایہ کاروں کو مراعات فراہم کر کے کچھ عرصے کے لیے معیشت میں تیزی تو … Continue reading ملکی معیشت کی ترقی کے لیے بیرونی سرمایہ کاروں کو ترغیبات دینے کی نہیں بلکہ اسلام کے معاشی نظام کے نفاذ ضرورت ہے

The Establishment of the Islamic Economic System Is Mandatory for Economic Progress and Revival, Not Incentives for Foreign Investors

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, during his visit to Pakistan said that he had offered tax holidays to foreign investors for two decades, whilst sharing the “secret” of Malaysia’s economic success, during a business conference in Islamabad, held on Friday 22 March 2019. Economic activity may be boosted for a short while by giving incentives to foreign investors, however, ultimately the control of … Continue reading The Establishment of the Islamic Economic System Is Mandatory for Economic Progress and Revival, Not Incentives for Foreign Investors

Foreign Debt is the Price of Erdogan’s Rise to Power

By Adnan Khan At a 14th May lunch reception in London, Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed a group of bankers and fund managers as part of his official trip to the UK. Over a fancy lunch he attempted to reassure nervous investors about the country’s economic stability and viability. But in a subsequent interview with Bloomberg, Erdogan quickly went off the rails [1]. Erdogan ranted against … Continue reading Foreign Debt is the Price of Erdogan’s Rise to Power

Can the Islamic System make Pakistan a Self-Sufficient Economy?

Despite Pakistan’s Immense Economic Potential, Dependence on Imports is Staggering The trade deficit maintains its pace and posted an increase of nearly 36 per cent in October upon a year ago, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics said on 13 November 2017. It is claimed that the surge in the import bill is driven by increase in imports of petroleum products, food products and capital goods … Continue reading Can the Islamic System make Pakistan a Self-Sufficient Economy?

Can the Islamic System Solve the Price Increase in Tunisia?

After the Increase in Price: The Regime, the Ruling Parties and the Union Dupe the People! After the Finance Act came into force, prices unprecedentedly increased in Tunisia, and some honest experts estimated that these increases could affect a fifth of people’s income. The government, which did not only abandon its responsibility to the hard workers, leaving them vulnerable to the exploitation of the monopoly of … Continue reading Can the Islamic System Solve the Price Increase in Tunisia?